In this Workshop I will take you through a 1 hour fascial release session using the The Roll Model Method and the Alpha ball and Yoga Tune Up Fitness balls to reduce muscle tightness and improve fascial mobility.
DATE: Wednesday April 20th, 1:30-2:30pm
2506 St Johns St, Port Moody, BC V3H 2B4.
Limited spots! Secure your seat today.
Learn how to release the myofascial slings limiting your 3-dimensional ribcage expansion. This will improve your breath mechanics to promote “true” parasympathetic relaxation.
We breath between 18,000 to 22,000 times a day, so it’s important that our diaphragm has the most efficient and effective mechanical set-up to positively impact the 11 different systems in the body it influences.
Over the years, I have taken many post-graduate physiotherapy courses regarding respiration and the diaphragm, as well as hypopressives (low-pressure fitness) and fascial release workshops. I look forward to sharing my 25+ years of knowledge with you!
During the workshop, we will use the 7.5” diameter, air-filled Coregeous ball with unique soft-stretchy “skin”, to mobilize, hydrate and loosen tight myofascial slings in your body, to help you relax and reduce stress levels. The Coregeous ball provides the gentle pressure of a broad, flat hand, making it the ideal tool to massage your abs, psoas, ribcage and neck myofascial attachments, all which have the benefit of optimizing the breath.
This improved diaphragmatic breath encourages the body to release stress, setting the stage for post-workout recovery, deep relaxation, and a great night’s sleep.
Further details coming soon.
Please bring a yoga mat to the workshop. Coregeous balls will included in the workshop price, so you have yours to take home with you to implement all the new techniques and strategies learned.