Muscle Pain? It Might Actually Be Your Fascia. Signs to Look For
We’ve all dealt with muscle pain from seemingly simple activities—whether it’s a long day at work or simply sleeping funny on your neck. But did you know that some of the time, the culprit behind your pain isn’t the muscles at all? In many cases, the pain you feel is actually caused by the wrapping […]
Fascia and Immunity: The Role of Fascia in Lymph Transport
As you may already know, fascia is the essential webbing that holds much of our bodies together. From the thin, loose layers of superficial fascia under the skin, to the thick, fibrous patches of deep fascia which support our muscles, this tissue is essential to helping our body slide, glide, and support its own weight. […]
Why You Feel Better After Fascial Release Rolling
Do you ever get a lasting pain or tension in your muscles that doesn’t seem to heal on its own? Have you ever tweaked one part of your body, only to find the pain showing up in a different area? More importantly, are you looking for a way to reduce or eliminate pain, increase flexibility, […]
Improving Performance and Recovery with Fascial Release
Have you been experiencing ongoing pain and tension throughout your body? Does it feel like, no matter what you try, you can’t get true, long-lasting relief? Or perhaps physical limitations are holding you back from your best possible performance in sports and other activities? When we feel this tension, it can be completely overwhelming at […]