Getting Ready for 2025: ProActive Pilates Services Your Body Will Thank You For

As 2024 draws to a close, many of us are looking forward to the New Year and the promises it brings. Whether you’re a big believer in New Year’s resolutions or prefer to take life as it comes, there’s no denying that it’s the perfect time to make changes as we flip the calendars to […]
Everything You Need to Know About the Mind-Body Connection in Clinical Pilates

There’s a lot of talk these days about the value of mindfulness in our daily lives. Whether it’s taking a few minutes to sit and think about what we’re grateful for, or taking a walk without our phones to take in some of the world’s beauty, we’re often encouraged to make more space for mindfulness. […]
4 Hidden Causes of Leg Pain Worth Knowing About

Have you ever woken up or gone about your day, and then felt an unusual pain in your legs? It can be a frustrating problem to deal with, particularly if you’re not sure what the cause is. Leg pain can range from a mild (but annoying) stiffness, all the way to near-debilitating pain that makes […]
Balancing Act: Prioritizing Self-Care Through Clinical Pilates in a Woman’s Busy World

As women, we lead busy lives! We’re professionals, parents, partners, family, and friends, and sometimes, life can quickly stack up around us. If you’re anything like me, all these responsibilities can sometimes feel overwhelming, leaving you with little time or energy left for self-care. Self-care is a term that gets thrown around a lot. And […]
How Clinical Pilates Works and Who Needs It Most

In the world of fitness and rehabilitation, Clinical Pilates has emerged as a game-changer. Whether you’re a high-level athlete looking to optimize that last 1% for the ultimate performance, or someone working to rehabilitate your body after an injury, Clinical Pilates is versatile, accessible, and effective. This holistic approach to exercise not only strengthens your […]
A Tutorial for Relief from Hip Pain & “A Pain in the Butt”

Have you ever found yourself experiencing pain, tension, or stiffness in your hips or glute muscles? Having either hip pain and a ‘pain in the butt’ can, truly, be a pain in the butt, especially when you’re not sure what’s causing it or how to find relief for it. What is it that causes tension […]
Why You Should Start Doing Clinical Pilates Today

Have you been searching for a new way to exercise your body to help you get stronger, protect yourself from injury, and treat any existing health problems you might be experiencing? Dealing with pain, injury, and lack of mobility can be exhausting, not only on a physical level but also on a mental one. When […]
6 Things to Expect from Clinical Pilates

Has your life been impacted by physical issues like a long-term injury, chronic pain, stiffness, or lack of mobility? Are you finding yourself missing out on exciting opportunities because of physical limitations? If you’re struggling with a physical condition, it can feel like you’re never truly at ease. Pain and limited mobility are constant, and […]
Benefits of Clinical Pilates You Can Expect to See Right Away

What if there was a way to help you get in shape and improve flexibility, all while strengthening the most key muscle groups across your entire body? With Clinical Pilates, you can experience some incredible benefits across the board, many of which can be observed within just one or two sessions with me, Dana, a […]